Sunday, January 25, 2009

Road Trip 2008 - Part 4, Mae Sai to Chiang Saen

Mae Sai is a large border town fronting Myanmar with border crossings. The road leads up to the immigration check point is lined withe 3 tiers of street vendors both sides - squeezing road traffic towards Myanmar.

The whole place was jam packed with people & traffic! Side streets leads to a larger bazaar behind the main street - selling mostly manufactured goods from China. I can appreciate the vibrancy of the market place here - first as a hub for goods going into Myanmar. Prices are half or less that in Bangkok for similar goods plus the fact northern provinces probably has a population base of more than 20 millions!

Can't resist some hot chestnuts in such cool weather. Oranges were large too.

A multitude of ethnic races are in the trades here... guess he is a Burnmese (with South Asian features) selling roti.

An elderly lady selling 'mud-like' pancake baked over charcoal fire. It is actually colored by black sesame seeds - a traditional northern dessert.

A Chinese lady selling various nuts on the side walk.

This lady appeared to come from the hill tribes. Oranges prices had doubled hitting the market here.

A Chinese sits prominently along the main road.

Songtaew heading into Myanmar tightly packed with passengers, all standing room were taken up.

Motocycle tuk-tuks are different to those in Bangkok.

Wandering into side streets, I came across a temple under renovation.

With so many intricate details, it has been going on for more than year now.

This artisan has worked on Wat Rong Kun before - another famous temple in Chiang Rai noted for it artistic expressions.

Looking up at its beautiful roof.

Inside the main temple hall, golden statute of Buddha sat below a golden Bodhi tree!

Leaving Mae Sai, drove through Golden Triangle, a town where Thailand, Myanmar & Laos meet at a point of common borders along the Mekong River. The region is infamous for it opium production now second to Afghanistan. Thailand has over the years help local farmers with crops substitution and its production scale is small now, 288 hectares compared to Laos' 1,600 hectares and Myanmar's 28,500 hectares according to recent UN Drug Agency report. There is a Hall of Opium, a visitor center outside town.

With the holiday crowds I chose not to stop by as the town was jam packed. I content with taking a photo shot while driving through.

Heading further onwards to the ancient Chiang Saen, with a river port facing Laos across the river. Wow, so many Chinese barges anchored here! Signs in Chinese are seen at port of call - reminding of Bth1,000 fine for littering! I can now understand the significance of the river's role on trade over the centuries. I wondered if the KMT's armies fled here via the river too.

These steel barges are even quipped with solar water heater and satellite TV dish.

Smaller good carrying wooden vessels lack such comforts however.

Across the road is another beautiful temple.

Naga, the mythological serpent, guards the stairway up to the temple hall.

Never seen before an elephant head over the torso of a dragon!

A forest park to the south of Mae Sai provides camp grounds too, a fall back spot to put up for the night.

Nice feeling to wake up in the morning with mountains all around.

Heading south towards Chiang Rai city, came through an area producing tiny pineapples. A stall owners obliged for a pose.

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